
Ⅰ. 插件描述

vim match-up: even better % :facepunch: navigate and highlight matching words :facepunch: modern matchit and matchparen replacement

Ⅱ. 基本信息

创建日期:  2017-10-17
使用用户:  235
Github星:  492
插件作者:  Andy Massimino

Ⅲ. 安装方法


Plugin 'andymass/vim-matchup'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %

对于Vundle版本 < 0.10.2,请用上面的Bundle替换Plugin。


NeoBundle 'andymass/vim-matchup'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %


Plug 'andymass/vim-matchup'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %


cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

Ⅳ. 文档说明

# vim match-up

match-up is a plugin that lets you highlight, navigate, and operate on
sets of matching text. It extends vim's % key to language-specific
words instead of just single characters.

and in this corner...


Table of contents


match-up can be used as a drop-in replacement for the classic plugin [matchit.vim].
match-up aims to enhance all of matchit's features, fix a number of its
deficiencies and bugs, and add a few totally new features. It also
replaces the standard plugin [matchparen], allowing all of matchit's words
to be highlighted along with the matchpairs ((){}[]).

See detailed feature documentation for
more information. This plugin:

  • Extends vim's % motion to language-specific words. The following vim
    file type plugins currently provide support for match-up:

abaqus, ada, aspvbs, c, clojure, cobol, config, context, csc, csh,
dtd, dtrace, eiffel, eruby, falcon, fortran, framescript, haml,
hamster, hog, html, ishd, j, jsp, kconfig, liquid, lua, make, matlab,
mf, mp, ocaml, pascal, pdf, perl, php, plaintex, postscr, ruby, sh,
spec, sql, tex, vb, verilog, vhdl, vim, xhtml, xml, zimbu, zsh

Note: match-up uses the same b:match_words as matchit.

  • Adds motions g%, [%, ]%, and z%.
  • Combines these motions into convenient text objects i% and a%.
  • Highlights symbols and words under the cursor which % can work on,
    and highlights matching symbols and words. Now you can easily tell

where % will jump to.


If you use vim-plug, then add the following line to your vimrc file:

Plug 'andymass/vim-matchup'

and then use :PlugInstall. Or, you can use any other plugin manager such as
neobundle, or

match-up should automatically disable matchit and matchparen, but if you
are still having trouble, try placing this near the top of your vimrc:

let g:loaded_matchit = 1

See Interoperability for more information about working
together with other plugins.


([a.1])jump between matching words:thumbsup::thumbsup::x:
([a.2])jump to open & close words:thumbsup::thumbsup::x:
([a.3])jump inside:thumbsup::x::x:
([b.1])full set of text objects:thumbsup::question::x:
([c.1])highlight (), [], & {}:thumbsup::x::thumbsup:
([c.2])highlight all matches:thumbsup::x::x:
([c.3])display matches off-screen:thumbsup::x::x:
([d.1])modern, modular coding style:thumbsup::x::x:
([d.2])actively developed:thumbsup::x::x:

Legend: :thumbsup: supported. :construction: TODO, planned, or in progress.
:question: poorly implemented, broken, or uncertain. :x: not possible.

Detailed feature documentation

What do we mean by open, close, mid? This depends on the specific file
type and is configured through the variable b:match_words. Here are a
couple examples:


if l:x == 1
  call one()
elseif l:x == 2
  call two()
  call three()

For the vim-script language, match-up understands the words if,
else, elseif, endif and that they form a sequential construct. The
"open" word is if, the "close" word is endif, and the "mid"
words are else and elseif. The if/endif pair is called an
"open-to-close" block and the if/else, else/elsif, and
elseif/endif are called "any" blocks.

C, C++

#if 0

void some_func() {
    if (true) {
    } else if (false && false) {
    } else {

Since in C and C++, blocks are delimited using braces ({ & }),
match-up will recognize { as the open word and } as the close word.
It will ignore the if and else if because they are not defined in
vim's C file type plugin.

On the other hand, match-up will recognize the #if, #else, #endif
preprocessor directives.

(a.1) jump between matching words

  • % go forwards to next matching word. If at a close word,
  1. back to the corresponding open word.
  • {count}% forwards {count} times. Requires
    {count} <= g:matchup_motion_override_Npercent. For larger

{count}, {count}% goes to the {count} percentage in the file.

  • g% go backwards to [count]th previous matching word. If at an
  1. word, cycle around to the corresponding close word.

(a.2) jump to open and close words

  • [% go to [count]th previous outer open word. Allows navigation
  1. the start of blocks surrounding the cursor. This is similar to vim's

built-in [( and [{ and is an [exclusive] motion.

  • ]% go to [count]th next surrounding close word. This is an
    [exclusive] motion.

(a.3) jump inside

  • z% go to inside [count]th nearest inner contained block. This
    is an [exclusive] motion when used with operators, except it eats

    1. For example, where is the cursor position,
  █ call somefunction(param1, param2)

dz% produces

  param1, param2)

but in

  █ call somefunction(      param1, param2)

dz% also produces

  param1, param2)

(b.1) full set of text objects

  • i% the inside of an any block
  • 1i% the inside of an open-to-close block
  • {count}i% If count is greater than 1, the inside of the {count}th
    surrounding open-to-close block
  • a% an any block.
  • 1a% an open-to-close block. Includes mids but does not include open
    and close words.
  • {count}a% if {count} is greater than 1, the {count}th surrounding
    open-to-close block.

See here
for some examples and important special cases.

(c.1) highlight (), [], and {}

match-up emulates vim's matchparen to highlight the symbols contained
in the matchpairs setting.

(c.2) highlight all matches

To disable match highlighting at startup, use
let g:matchup_matchparen_enabled = 0
in your vimrc.
See here for more information and related

You can enable highlighting on the fly using :DoMatchParen.
Likewise, you can disable highlighting at any time using

After start-up, is better to use :NoMatchParen and :DoMatchParen
to toggle highlighting globally than setting the global variable
since these commands make sure not to leave stale matches around.

(c.3) display matches off screen

If a open or close which would have been highlighted is on a line
positioned outside the current window, the match is shown in the
status line. If both the open and close match are off-screen, the
close match is preferred.
(See the option g:matchup_matchparen_offscreen).

Inclusive and exclusive motions

In vim, character motions following operators (such as d for delete
and c for change) are either inclusive or _exclusive_. This means
they either include the ending position or not. Here, "ending position"
means the line and column closest to the end of the buffer of the region
swept over by the motion. match-up is designed so that d]% inside a set
of parenthesis behaves exactly like d]), except generalized to words.

Put differently, forward exclusive motions will not include the close

  1. In this example, where is the cursor position,
if █x | continue | endif

pressing d]% will produce (cursor on the e)

if endif

To include the close word, use either dv]% or vd]%. This is also
compatible with vim's d]) and d]}.

Operators over backward exclusive motions will instead exclude the
position the cursor was on before the operator was invoked. For example,

  if █x | continue | endif

pressing d[% will produce

  █x | continue | endif

This is compatible with vim's d[( and d[{.

Unlike ]%, % is an inclusive motion. As a special case for the
d (delete) operator, if d% leaves behind lines white-space, they will
be deleted also. In effect, it will be operating line-wise. As an
example, pressing d% will leave behind nothing.



To operate character-wise in this situation, use dv% or vd%.
This is vim compatible with the built-in d% on matchpairs.

Line-wise operator/text-object combinations

Normally, the text objects i% and a% work character-wise. However,
there are some special cases. For certain operators combined with i%,
under certain conditions, match-up will effectively operate line-wise

  1. For example, in
if condition
 █call one()
  call two()

pressing di% will produce

if condition

even though deleting condition would be suggested by the object i%.
The intention is to make operators more useful in some cases. The
following rules apply:

  1. The operator must be listed in g:matchup_text_obj_linewise_operators.
    By default this is d and y (e.g., di% and ya%).
  2. The outer block must span multiple lines.
  3. The open and close delimiters must be more than one character long. In
    particular, di% involving a (...) block will not be subject to

these special rules.

To prevent this behavior for a particular operation, use vi%d. Note that
special cases involving indentation still apply (like with |i)| etc).

To disable this entirely, remove the operator from the following variable,

let g:matchup_text_obj_linewise_operators = [ 'y' ]

Note: unlike vim's built-in i), ab, etc., i% does not make an
existing visual mode character-wise.

A second special case involves da%. In this example,

    if condition
     █call one()
      call two()

pressing da% will delete all four lines and leave no white-space. This
is vim compatible with da(, dab, etc.


To disable the plugin entirely,

let g:matchup_enabled = 0

default: 1

To disable a particular module,

let g:matchup_matchparen_enabled = 0
let g:matchup_motion_enabled = 0
let g:matchup_text_obj_enabled = 0

defaults: 1

To enable the delete surrounding (ds%) and change surrounding (cs%)

let g:matchup_surround_enabled = 1

default: 0

To enable the experimental transmute

let g:matchup_transmute_enabled = 1

default: 0

To configure the number of lines to search in either direction while using
motions and text objects. Does not apply to match highlighting
(see g:matchup_matchparen_stopline instead).

let g:matchup_delim_stopline = 1500

default: 1500

To disable matching within strings and comments,

let g:matchup_delim_noskips = 1   " recognize symbols within comments
let g:matchup_delim_noskips = 2   " don't recognize anything in comments

default: 0 (matching is enabled within strings and comments)


match-up understands the following variables from matchit.

  • b:match_words
  • b:match_skip
  • b:match_ignorecase

These are set in the respective ftplugin files. They may not exist for
every file type. To support a new file type, create a file
after/ftplugin/{filetype}.vim which sets them appropriately.

Module matchparen

To disable match highlighting at startup, use
let g:matchup_matchparen_enabled = 0 in your vimrc.
Note: vim's built-in plugin |pi_paren| plugin is also disabled.
The variable g:loaded_matchparen has no effect on match-up.

Customizing the highlighting colors

match-up uses the MatchParen highlighting group by default, which can be

  1. For example,
:hi MatchParen ctermbg=blue guibg=lightblue cterm=italic gui=italic

You may want to put this inside a ColorScheme autocmd so it is
preserved after colorscheme changes:

augroup matchup_matchparen_highlight
  autocmd ColorScheme * hi MatchParen guifg=red
augroup END

You can also highlight words differently than parentheses using the
MatchWord highlighting group. You might do this if you find the
MatchParen style distracting for large blocks.

:hi MatchWord ctermfg=red guifg=blue cterm=underline gui=underline

There are also MatchParenCur and MatchWordCur which allow you to
configure the highlight separately for the match under the cursor.

:hi MatchParenCur cterm=underline gui=underline
:hi MatchWordCur cterm=underline gui=underline

The matchparen module can be disabled on a per-buffer basis (there is
no command for this). By default, when disabling highlighting for a
particular buffer, the standard plugin matchparen will still be used
for that buffer.

let b:matchup_matchparen_enabled = 0

default: 1

If this module is disabled on a particular buffer, match-up will still
fall-back to the vim standard plugin matchparen, which will highlight
matchpairs such as (), [], & {}. To disable this,

let b:matchup_matchparen_fallback = 0

default: 1

A common usage of these options is to automatically disable
matchparen for particular file types;

augroup matchup_matchparen_disable_ft
  autocmd FileType tex let [b:matchup_matchparen_fallback,
      \ b:matchup_matchparen_enabled] = [0, 0]
augroup END

Whether to highlight known words even if there is no match:

let g:matchup_matchparen_singleton = 1

default: 0

Dictionary controlling the behavior with off-screen matches.

let g:matchup_matchparen_offscreen = { ... }

default: {'method': 'status'}

If empty, this feature is disabled. Else, it should contain the
following optional keys:

  • method:
    Sets the method to use to show off-screen matches.

Possible values are:

'status' (default): Replace the |status-line| for off-screen matches.

If a match is off of the screen, the line belonging to that match will be
displayed syntax-highlighted in the status line along with the line number
(if line numbers are enabled). If the match is above the screen border,
an additional Δ symbol will be shown to indicate that the matching line is
really above the cursor line.

'status_manual': Compute the status-line but do not display it (future

  • scrolloff:
    When enabled, off-screen matches will not be shown in the statusline while

the cursor is at the screen edge (respects the value of 'scrolloff').
This is intended to prevent flickering while scrolling with j and k.

default: 0.

The number of lines to search in either direction while highlighting

  1. Set this conservatively since high values may cause performance
let g:matchup_matchparen_stopline = 400  " for match highlighting only

default: 400

highlighting timeouts

Adjust timeouts in milliseconds for matchparen highlighting:

let g:matchup_matchparen_timeout = 300
let g:matchup_matchparen_insert_timeout = 60

default: 300, 60

deferred highlighting

Deferred highlighting improves cursor movement performance (for example,
when using hjkl) by delaying highlighting for a short time and waiting
to see if the cursor continues moving;

let g:matchup_matchparen_deferred = 1

default: 0 (disabled)

Note: this feature is only available if your vim version has timers and
the function timer_pause, version 7.4.2180 and after. For neovim, this
will only work in nvim-0.2.1 and after.

Adjust delays in milliseconds for deferred highlighting:

let g:matchup_matchparen_deferred_show_delay = 50
let g:matchup_matchparen_deferred_hide_delay = 700

default: 50, 700

Note: these delays cannot be changed dynamically and should be configured
before the plugin loads (e.g., in your vimrc).

highlight surrounding

To highlight the surrounding delimiters until the cursor moves, use a map
such as the following

nmap <silent> <F7> <plug>(matchup-hi-surround)

There is no default map for this feature.

You can also highlight surrounding delimiters always as the cursor moves.

let g:matchup_matchparen_deferred = 1
let g:matchup_matchparen_hi_surround_always = 1

default: 0 (off)

This can be set on a per-buffer basis:

autocmd FileType tex let b:matchup_matchparen_hi_surround_always = 1

Note: this feature requires
deferred highlighting to be supported and

Module motion

In vim, {count}% goes to the {count} percentage in the file.
match-up overrides this motion for small {count} (by default, anything
less than 7). To allow {count}% for {count} up to 11,

g:matchup_motion_override_Npercent = 11

To disable this feature, and restore vim's default {count}%,

g:matchup_motion_override_Npercent = 0

default: 6

If enabled, cursor will land on the end of mid and close words while
moving downwards (%/]%). While moving upwards (g%, [%) the cursor
will land on the beginning. To disable,

let g:matchup_motion_cursor_end = 0

default: 1

Module text_obj

Modify the set of operators which may operate

let g:matchup_text_obj_linewise_operators' = ['d', 'y']

default: ['d', 'y']

Module transmute

_Options planned_.


  • match-up doesn't work

This plugin requires at least vim 7.4. It should work in vim 7.4.898
but at least vim 7.4.1689 is better. I recommend using the most recent
version of vim if possible.

If you have issues, please tell me your vim version and error messages.
Try updating vim and see if the problem persists.

  • Why does jumping not work for construct X in language Y?

Please open a new issue

  • Highlighting is not correct for construct X

match-up uses matchit's filetype-specific data, which may not give
enough information to create proper highlights. To fix this, you may
need to modify b:match_words.

For help, please open a new issue and be as specific as possible.

  • I'm having performance problems

match-up aims to be as fast as possible, but highlighting matching words
can be intensive and may be slow on less powerful machines. There are a
few things you can try to improve performance:

  1. Update to a recent version of vim. Newer versions are faster, more
  2. tested, and better supported by match-up.
  3. Try deferred highlighting, which delays
  4. until the cursor is stationary to improve cursor movement


  1. Lower the highlighting timeouts. Note that
  2. highlighting takes longer than the timeout, highlighting will not be

attempted again until the cursor moves.

If are having any other performance issues, please open a new issue and
report the output of :MatchupShowTimes.

  • Why is there a weird entry on the status line?

This is a feature which helps you see matches that are outside of the
vim screen, similar to some IDEs. If you wish to disable it, use

let g:matchup_matchparen_offscreen = {}
  • Matching does not work when lines are too far apart.

The number of search lines is limited for performance reasons. You may
increase the limits with the following options:

let g:matchup_delim_stopline      = 1500 " generally
let g:matchup_matchparen_stopline = 400  " for match highlighting only
  • The maps 1i% and 1a% are difficult to press.

You may use the following maps I% and A% for convenience:

function! s:matchup_convenience_maps()
  xnoremap <sid>(std-I) I
  xnoremap <sid>(std-A) A
  xmap <expr> I mode()=='<c-v>'?'<sid>(std-I)':(v:count?'':'1').'i'
  xmap <expr> A mode()=='<c-v>'?'<sid>(std-A)':(v:count?'':'1').'a'
  for l:v in ['', 'v', 'V', '<c-v>']
    execute 'omap <expr>' l:v.'I%' "(v:count?'':'1').'".l:v."i%'"
    execute 'omap <expr>' l:v.'A%' "(v:count?'':'1').'".l:v."a%'"
call s:matchup_convenience_maps()

Note: this is not compatible with the plugin targets.vim.

  • How can I contribute?

Read the contribution guidelines and [issue
template]( Be as precise and detailed as possible
when submitting issues and pull requests.


vimtex, for LaTeX documents

By default, match-up will be disabled automatically for tex files when
[vimtex] is detected. To enable match-up for tex files, use

let g:matchup_override_vimtex = 1

match-up's matching engine is more advanced than vimtex's and supports
middle delimiters such as \middle| and \else. The exact set of
delimiters recognized may differ between the two plugins. For example,
the mappings da% and dad will not always match, particularly if you
have customized vimtex's delimiters.


match-up provides built-in support for [vim-surround]-style ds% and
cs% operations. If vim-surround is installed, you can use vim-surround
replacements such as cs%). % cannot be used as a replacement.
An alternative plugin is [vim-sandwich], which allows more complex
surround replacement rules but is not currently supported.

Auto-closing plugins

match-up does not provide auto-complete or auto-insertion of matches.
See for instance one of the following plugins for this;


match-up tries to work around matchit.vim in all cases, but if
you experience problems, read the following.
matchit.vim should not be loaded. If it is loaded, it should be loaded
after match-up (in this case, matchit.vim will be disabled). Note that
some plugins, such as
load matchit.vim so these should also be initialized after match-up.

Matchparen emulation

match-up loads [matchparen] if it is not already loaded. Ordinarily, match-up
disables matchparen's highlighting and emulates it to highlight the symbol
contained in the 'matchpairs' option (by default (), [], and {}). If match-up
is disabled per-buffer using b:matchup_matchparen_enabled, match-up will use
matchparen instead of its own highlighting. See b:matchup_matchparen_fallback
for more information.



match-up was originally based on @lervag's
[vimtex]. The concept and style of this plugin and its development are
heavily influenced by vimtex. :beers:

Other inspirations


Reporting problems

This is a new plugin and there are likely to be some bugs.
Thorough issue reports are encouraged. Please read the [issue
template]( first. Be as precise and detailed as
possible when submitting issues.

Feature requests are also welcome.


Please read the contribution guidelines before

A major goal of this project is to keep a modern and modular code base.
Contributions are welcome!
