
Ⅰ. 插件描述

Support for Perl 5 in Vim

Ⅱ. 基本信息

创建日期:  2009-02-16
使用用户:  480
Github星:  459
插件作者:  vim-perl

Ⅲ. 安装方法


Plugin 'vim-perl/vim-perl-ours'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %

对于Vundle版本 < 0.10.2,请用上面的Bundle替换Plugin。


NeoBundle 'vim-perl/vim-perl-ours'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %


Plug 'vim-perl/vim-perl-ours'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %


cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

Ⅳ. 文档说明

# vim-perl

Build Status

This is the aggregation of all the various Perl-related syntax and
helper files for Perl 5.

For Perl 6 files, please see vim-perl6.


You can install vim-perl using

They were all tested and work: please read the related documentation on the related sites.

The legacy method is to install just do a "make install" and you'll get the
.vim files all installed in your ~/.vim directory.

Installing using vim-plug

In your .vimrc:

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')

Plug 'vim-perl/vim-perl', { 'for': 'perl', 'do': 'make clean carp dancer highlight-all-pragmas moose test-more try-tiny' }

call plug#end()

Re-source your configuration, do PlugInstall, and you're done.

The do argument is optional, and can be used
if you want to enable any of the optional sub-syntaxes.

The perl argument is also optional, and only required if you want to
lazy-load the plugin only if dealing with Perl files.

Getting Help

Any bug reports/feature requests/patches should be directed to the vim-perl group.

When reporting bugs in the highlighting of items, please include an example file as well
as a screenshot demonstrating the problem.


Can you add highlighting for Moose, Try::Tiny, Test::More, SQL in strings, etc?

We have syntax "extensions" under the contrib/ directory; you can find custom highlighting
for these sorts of things there. To enable any of them, just drop the relevant
file in a after/syntax/perl directory visible to vim.

$ cp contrib/dancer.vim ~/.vim/after/syntax/perl/

You can also populate the local after/syntax/perl/ via make:

$ make dancer moose

$ ls after/syntax/perl
dancer.vim  moose.vim

Curly braces inside of regexes/strings are considered when I use %

(See also GH #86)

Vim itself only considers double quotes in this scenario; the matchit plugin, however,
can deal with this scenario and vim-perl's files are set up to work with it should you
choose to use it.
