
Ⅰ. 插件描述

An extensible & universal comment vim-plugin that also handles embedded filetypes

Ⅱ. 基本信息

创建日期:  2005-01-07
使用用户:  6252
Github星:  1047
插件作者:  Tom Link

Ⅲ. 安装方法


Plugin 'tomtom/tcomment'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %

对于Vundle版本 < 0.10.2,请用上面的Bundle替换Plugin。


NeoBundle 'tomtom/tcomment'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %


Plug 'tomtom/tcomment'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %


cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

Ⅳ. 文档说明

tcomment provides easy to use, file-type sensible comments for Vim. It
can handle embedded syntax.

TComment works like a toggle, i.e., it will comment out text that
contains uncommented lines, and it will remove comment markup for
already commented text (i.e. text that contains no uncommented lines).

If the file-type is properly defined, TComment will figure out which
comment string to use. Otherwise you use |tcomment#type#Define()| to
override the default choice.

TComment can properly handle an embedded syntax, e.g., ruby/python/perl
regions in vim scripts, HTML or JavaScript in php code etc.

tcomment favours the use of line-wise comment styles. This implies that usually
whole line will be commented out. tcomment also knows block-style and inline
comments that can be used via special maps (see below) or the |:TCommentAs|



Key bindings~

Most of the time the default toggle keys will do what you want (or to be
more precise: what I think you want it to do ;-).


As operator (the prefix can be customized via |g:tcomment_opleader1|):

gc{motion}   :: Toggle comments (for small comments within one line 
                the &filetype_inline style will be used, if 
gc<Count>c{motion} :: Toggle comment with count argument 
                (see |tcomment#Comment()|)
gcc          :: Toggle comment for the current line

Force line-wise operation:

gC{motion}   :: Toggle comments by line
gC<Count>c{motion} :: Toggle comment by line with count argument 
                (see |tcomment#Comment()|)

Explicit commenting/uncommenting:

g<{motion}   :: Uncomment region
g<c          :: Uncomment the current line
g<b          :: Uncomment the current region as block

g>{motion}   :: Comment region
g>c          :: Comment the current line
g>b          :: Comment the current region as block

In visual mode:

gc           :: Toggle comments
g>           :: Comment selected text

CAVEAT: If you visually select text within a line, the visual mode map will
comment out the selected text. If you selected text across several lines, the
visual mode map will assume though that you wanted to comment out lines --
since this is how many vim maps work. In order to make tcomment use e.g. inline
comments anyway, use the <c-_>i map -- see below.

By default the cursor stays put. If you want the cursor to the end of
the commented text, set |g:tcomment#operator#mode_extra| to '>' (but this may not
work properly with exclusive motions).

Primary key maps for normal and insert mode (see also |g:tcomment_mapleader1|):

<c-_><c-_>   :: :TComment
<c-_><space> :: :TComment <QUERY COMMENT-BEGIN ?COMMENT-END>
<c-_>b       :: :TCommentBlock
                In insert mode, the cursor will be positioned inside 
                the comment. In normal mode, the cursor will stay 
<c-_>a       :: :TCommentAs <QUERY COMMENT TYPE>
<c-_>n       :: :TCommentAs &filetype <QUERY COUNT>
<c-_>s       :: :TCommentAs &filetype_<QUERY COMMENT SUBTYPE>
<c-_>i       :: :TCommentInline (in normal and insert mode, this map will 
                create an empty inline comment, which isn't suitable for 
                all filetypes though)
                In insert mode, the cursor will be positioned inside 
                the comment. In normal mode, the cursor will stay 
<c-_>r       :: :TCommentRight
<c-_>p       :: Comment the current inner paragraph
<c-_><Count> :: Set the count argument (a number from 1 to 9) for use with 
                the subsequent tcomment map/command (see 
                E.g. in JavaScript, in order to get an empty /** */ 
                comment for documentation purposes, in insert mode type 
                In order to get an empty block comment like >

< type <c-_>2<c-_>b

Most of the above maps are also available in visual mode.

A secondary set of key maps is defined for normal and insert mode (see also

<Leader>__       :: :TComment
<Leader>_p       :: Comment the current inner paragraph
<Leader>_<space> :: :TComment <QUERY COMMENT-BEGIN ?COMMENT-END>
<Leader>_i       :: :TCommentInline
<Leader>_r       :: :TCommentRight
<Leader>_b       :: :TCommentBlock
<Leader>_a       :: :TCommentAs <QUERY COMMENT TYPE>
<Leader>_n       :: :TCommentAs &filetype <QUERY COUNT>
<Leader>_s       :: :TCommentAs &filetype_<QUERY COMMENT SUBTYPE>

... and for select mode:

<Leader>__       :: :TComment
<Leader>_i       :: :TCommentInline

                        *tcomment-new-filetype* *tcomment-debug*

Adding a new filetype~

If tcomment doesn't know a filetype, it makes use of 'commentstring' or
'comments'. If the result still does not satisfy your needs, you might have to
add a custom filetype definition. This could be done in a file like
autoload/tcomment/types/mytypes.vim somewhere in your 'runtimepath', which
will be loaded on startup.

New comment types can be defined via the |tcomment#type#Define()| function. If
the file may contain embedded code of another filetype, you might also want to
set g:tcomment#filetype#guess_{FILETYPE} to 1 or the name of a default
fallback filetype.

If nothing helps:

  1. Make sure 'filetype' is set correctly.
  2. Place the cursor at an appropriate position -- e.g. the first non-blank
    character of a line of code.
  3. Call |tcomment#debug#CollectInfo()|.
  4. File an issue on github and post the output of `:call
    tcomment#debug#CollectInfo()`. The output will also be copied to the


If this still doesn't help, please install tlib
(, please try:

Tlibtraceset --file=tcomment.log +tcomment

Then comment out the text in question and send me the log file.


Either use the zip archive:

  • Download the zip archive
  • Extract it to ~/.vim/pack/tml/start/tcomment

or install from github:

  • Start a terminal
  • Change the working directory to ~/.vim/pack/tml/start/
  • Type: git clone

NOTE: If you don't want to run this plugin on startup, use

NOTE: On Windows, ~/.vim might be ~/vimfiles. Please see 'runtimepath' for

License: GPLv3 or later
