
Ⅰ. 插件描述

UltiSnips - The ultimate snippet solution for Vim. Send pull requests to SirVer/ultisnips!

Ⅱ. 基本信息

创建日期:  2009-07-16
使用用户:  6605
Github星:  5154
插件作者:  Holger Rapp

Ⅲ. 安装方法


Plugin 'sirver/ultisnips'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %

对于Vundle版本 < 0.10.2,请用上面的Bundle替换Plugin。


NeoBundle 'sirver/ultisnips'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %


Plug 'sirver/ultisnips'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %


cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/sirver/ultisnips

Ⅳ. 文档说明

Build Status


UltiSnips is the ultimate solution for snippets in Vim. It has many features,
speed being one of them.

GIF Demo

In this demo I am editing a python file. I first expand the #! snippet, then
the class snippet. The completion menu comes from
YouCompleteMe, UltiSnips also
integrates with deoplete. I can
jump through placeholders and add text while the snippet inserts text in other
places automatically: when I add Animal as a base class, __init__ gets
updated to call the base class constructor. When I add arguments to the
constructor, they automatically get assigned to instance variables. I then
insert my personal snippet for print debugging. Note that I left insert mode,
inserted another snippet and went back to add an additional argument to
__init__ and the class snippet was still active and added another instance

The official home of UltiSnips is at https://github.com/sirver/ultisnips.
Please add pull requests and issues there.

UltiSnips was started in Jun 2009 by @SirVer. In Dec 2015, maintenance was
handed over to @seletskiy who ran out of time
in early 2017. Since Jun 2019, @SirVer is maintaining UltiSnips again on a
very constraint time budget. If you can help triaging issues it would be
greatly appreciated.

Quick Start

This assumes you are using Vundle. Adapt
for your plugin manager of choice. Put this into your .vimrc.

" Track the engine.
Plugin 'SirVer/ultisnips'

" Snippets are separated from the engine. Add this if you want them:
Plugin 'honza/vim-snippets'

" Trigger configuration. Do not use <tab> if you use https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe.
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<tab>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<c-b>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="<c-z>"

" If you want :UltiSnipsEdit to split your window.
let g:UltiSnipsEditSplit="vertical"

UltiSnips comes with comprehensive
As there are more options and tons of features I suggest you at least skim it.

There are example uses for some power user features here:


From a gentle introduction to really advanced in a few minutes: The blog posts
of the screencasts contain more advanced examples of the things discussed in the

Also the excellent Vimcasts dedicated three episodes to
