Ⅰ. 插件描述
The missing preview window for vimⅡ. 基本信息
Ⅲ. 安装方法
在你的.vimrc下添加:Plugin 'skywind3000/vim-preview-care-of-itself'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %
对于Vundle版本 < 0.10.2,请用上面的Bundle替换Plugin。
在你的.vimrc下添加:NeoBundle 'skywind3000/vim-preview-care-of-itself'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %
在你的.vimrc下添加:Plug 'skywind3000/vim-preview-care-of-itself'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %
在终端中运行以下命令:cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/skywind3000/vim-preview
Ⅳ. 文档说明
# Preface
This plugin solves a series of user experience problems in vim's preview window and provide a handy way to preview tags, files and function signatures.
Plug 'skywind3000/vim-preview'
introduces several commands:
Command | Arguments | Description |
PreviewTag | [tagname] | Display the tag in the preview window circularly |
PreviewFile | [+cmd] filename | Display the file in the preview window |
PreviewClose | N/A | Close the preview window |
PreviewGoto | command | Open the previewing file in a non-preview window |
PreviewScroll | offset | Scroll preview window without leaving current window or inser mode |
PreviewQuickfix | [linenr] | Preview file in quickfix list |
PreviewSignature | [function name] | Preview the function signature circularly in the command line |
This command can display tag definition in the preview window circularly:
PreviewTag [tagname]
When the first argument tagname
is not provided, current word under cursor is chosen as the tag name.
Every body uses a wide-screen display today, but the default preview window can still only be opened in a new split above or below current window. vsplit is usually better than split when you are working with a 16:9 LCD.
command will open the preview window on your favorite position (right by default), and the tag name will be highlighted.
Previously, when we got multiple matches, CTRL+]
or CTRL+W }
will display a list:
nr pri kind tag file
1 F f mch_delay os_amiga.c
mch_delay(msec, ignoreinput)
> 2 F f mch_delay os_msdos.c
mch_delay(msec, ignoreinput)
3 F f mch_delay os_unix.c
mch_delay(msec, ignoreinput)
Enter nr of choice (<CR> to abort):
And you have to choose one of them, this is very annoying and disturbing when you are focusing on editing or navigating the sources.
You don't need to care about this anymore when you use :PreviewTag
with a new tag name, the first match will be displayed in the preview window, execute :PreviewTag
with the same tag name again, the next match will be used. If there is no more result, the first one is used again.
When you get multiple matches, the current match will be displayed in the command line. (1/2)
represents there are two tags matched and this is the first one. Assume that you bind :PreviewTag
to F3
, all your need is move the cursor on an identifier and repeatly press F3
, and all the matches will be displayed on the right preview window circularly.
In the past, scrolling the preview window may involve mode change and window switching. If the preview window is not height enough to view the whole function implementation, you must jump to the preview window press CTRL+F to scroll down then jump back. Leaving and Re-entering insert mode may also be required.
noremap <m-u> :PreviewScroll -1<cr>
noremap <m-d> :PreviewScroll +1<cr>
inoremap <m-u> <c-\><c-o>:PreviewScroll -1<cr>
inoremap <m-d> <c-\><c-o>:PreviewScroll +1<cr>
With the keymaps above, you can use <m-u>
and <m-d>
directly to scroll preview window without switching window or leaving insert mode.
When you are done, press CTRL+w z
to close the preview window or :PreviewGoto
to open the previewing file and location in a non-preview window.
Open arbitrary file in the preview window:
PreviewFile [++opt] [+cmd] filename
Just like PreviewTag
but preview a given file, the +cmd
could be any vim command which will be executed after opening the file. For example:
PreviewFile +:10 ~/.vimrc
This will open .vimrc
in the preview window and jump to line 10.
PreviewFile ++nohl +:10 ~/.vimrc
This will do the same without highlighting line 10.
When you want to open the current previewing tag in a non-preview window you can use:
PreviewGoto action
The action
can be either edit
, split
, vsplit
or tabe
Close the preview window
A command version of CTRL+W z
This command can preview files listed in quickfix window without opening it directly.
PreviewQuickfix [linenr]
The [linenr]
parameter is the line number in the quickfix window. The current line number in the quickfix window will be taken if it is not provided.
autocmd FileType qf nnoremap <silent><buffer> p :PreviewQuickfix<cr>
autocmd FileType qf nnoremap <silent><buffer> P :PreviewClose<cr>
We can have the above keymap in quickfix window for convenience.
Now we switch to quickfix window and press p, the item under cursor will be displayed in the preview window immediately, then move around the cursor choose another item and press p again, all files is displayed in the same preview window.
It will not open new split or switch away your current buffer no matter what switchbuf
is. When you finished, just use P
(upper case) or CTRL+W z
to close the preview window.
Preview the function signature circularly in the command line:
PreviewSignature[!] [function name]
If the function name
is not provided, current word under cursor will be taken as function name
. If bang !
sign is given, the nearest function name to the cursor position is chosen.
Function signature is displayed at the bottom including file name and line number. Execute PreviewSignature
again, the next signature will be displayed if there are multiple matches, just like PreviewTag
Calling PreviewSignature
without any argument will use the current word under cursor as the function name and PreviewSignature!
will find a function name closest to the cursor position.
The bang sign is very useful, think that:
printf(<cursor position>
When you input printf(
and you can't remember the parameters, you can execute PreviewSignature!
directly in the insert mode. The cursor is on the right side of left paren the function name printf
is on the left side, but with the bang sign, function name printf
can be find out because it is the nearest function name to the cursor position.
Now we have the below setting:
noremap <F4> :PreviewSignature!<cr>
inoremap <F4> <c-\><c-o>:PreviewSignature!<cr>
Then we can have F4 to display the signature of printf
even if we typed a (
. And signatures can be displayed automatically by using CursorMovedI
autocommands or remapping (
in insert mode.
F4 can be pressed multiple times until you find the right signature when you got multiple results. Remember to set noshowmode
before this, displaying signature in insert mode requires turn off showmode
When you are generating tags file, the n
and S
fields are required:
ctags --fields=+nS
will tell ctags add a line number
filed in each tag record and S
means including function signatures.
can work fine without these two fields but it can't tell you line number in the command line and it will guess the function signature which may get an incorrect result sometimes.
Don't generate tags file manually, use some tags manager like gutentags and gen_tags. They will take good care of your tags files.
When you are using Language Servers with LanguageClient-neovim, You can use PreviewFile
to preview definition instead of jump to it:
call LanguageClient#textDocument_definition({'gotoCmd':'PreviewFile'})
Your current buffer will not be switched away, and just close the preview window by CTRL+W z
when you are done.