Ⅰ. 插件描述
VIM-Java Plugin for maintaining a tags fileⅡ. 基本信息
Ⅲ. 安装方法
在你的.vimrc下添加:Plugin 'robertbraeutigam/vim-java-tags'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %
对于Vundle版本 < 0.10.2,请用上面的Bundle替换Plugin。
在你的.vimrc下添加:NeoBundle 'robertbraeutigam/vim-java-tags'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %
在你的.vimrc下添加:Plug 'robertbraeutigam/vim-java-tags'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %
在终端中运行以下命令:cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/robertbraeutigam/vim-java-tags
Ⅳ. 文档说明
VIM-Java Tags
A VIM-Java Bundle for automatically and asyncronously updating tags files. This
bundle does not offer and additional commands, rather it is triggered on saving
any Java source file to update the corresponding tags file.
If the tags file is not present yet, it will be automatically generated with
all Java sources included for the project. If it is present, all the tags
of the old file will be removed, and the new tags for the newly saved file are added.
The Plugin used is at: https://github.com/robertbraeutigam/vim-java-tags-plugin
If you are using Pathogen, just clone this into the 'bundle' directory.
You also need to install the VIM-Java Backend and the
Changes Plugin
Note on changes
At this time the bundle only reacts to changes from insde VIM. If there is a significant
change in multiple source files (like switching to a completely different branch), simply
remove the .tags file generated in the root directory of the project to make the plugin
automatically regenerate it on the next save.