Ⅰ. 插件描述
Vim Markdown runtime filesⅡ. 基本信息
Ⅲ. 安装方法
在你的.vimrc下添加:Plugin 'tpope/vim-markdown-enchanted'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %
对于Vundle版本 < 0.10.2,请用上面的Bundle替换Plugin。
在你的.vimrc下添加:NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-markdown-enchanted'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %
在你的.vimrc下添加:Plug 'tpope/vim-markdown-enchanted'
… 然后在Vim中运行以下命令:
:source %
在终端中运行以下命令:cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/tpope/vim-markdown
Ⅳ. 文档说明
# Vim Markdown runtime files
This is the development version of Vim's included syntax highlighting and
filetype plugins for Markdown. Generally you don't need to install these if
you are running a recent version of Vim.
If you want to enable fenced code block syntax highlighting in your markdown
documents you can enable it in your .vimrc
like so:
let g:markdown_fenced_languages = ['html', 'python', 'bash=sh']
To disable markdown syntax concealing add the following to your vimrc:
let g:markdown_syntax_conceal = 0
Syntax highlight is synchronized in 50 lines. It may cause collapsed
highlighting at large fenced code block.
In the case, please set larger value in your vimrc:
let g:markdown_minlines = 100
Note that setting too large value may cause bad performance on highlighting.
Copyright © Tim Pope. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself.
See :help license